Result of 4th feb accenture drive in delhi

Guys this is almost default reply from its useless. I dnt thnk there is any use of this.

Yeah bro, there is no use of campus.queries itself, They won’t assure us anything with that.

23 may ONCMPUS 2016 batch (not 2017)… Really worst company i guess it is…

How many members got that?

Dont knw bro… but few are sayng that the offcampus guys will get by the end of july or atleast in july. In july tbey will alot 4 slots or smthng so maximum guys will get there joining offcampus 2016 batch.

But still i dnt trust now… (By few i mean some candidates who may have some link in accenture but theu want to disclose the source)…

Hey bro, yeah don’t believe all those, No body here is ready to carry hopes upto then, because still Two and months is there to JULY, So yeah don’t trust that, until unless you or anybody gets offer letter.

Hey people, There is a Facebook group of accenture selected candidates. I have made a poll to survey the no of candidates selected through off campus and are waiting for the doj. If you are not already in the group please do join and take the poll. Thanks in advance :slight_smile: Here is the link : Facebook Groups

The current status of the poll is as shown in the screenshot below

Means the candidates who got selected through elitmus on jan 2016 will get joining by july??

Hey don’t believe such things bro, who is going to wait upto then, Already people are losing hopes, Don’t believe anything until you see offer letter in your mail.

Hey guys I’m surprised to see that you are still expecting joining

Those who got selected through oncampus even they are getting their joining now. Its not like we are just dependent on accenture we are tryng other jobs too… But every year xcept a few candidates get their joining from 3-6 or even 7 months… And thy didnt alot any 2016 offcampus batch xcept a girls slot (max girls). So yeah atleast one or two more drives will be alotted its for sure. But yeah it will take time (which is worst part abt the company). May be june or july

This is what some students are claming. May be they have some source but dnt depend on that

This is what i get to know… But again dont make any hope now… Take accenture in ur side pocket and search for other oportunity. If accenture gv u offer then make the choice but dnt depend

Hey Mr. Pinaki, welcome again, where did you gone, Again started, by the way don’t worry about our future, We have our own plans.

Hey bro if you see his comments there is no clarity at all, He said batches in June and joining by July end thats disgusting, That too 23 rd may is for Hyderabad and not for another locations.

No actually he meant to say from june and by the end of july all wl get… To ve frank may be he is also right but there is another guy who was also said that even in may we wont get out joining (in last week of april)… So they both were different but told the same thng thats y suddnly a bit of hope again raise in me :joy::joy::joy: anyways keep try for other oportunities…


Yeah bro, but since April we are going on hearing these kind of things, but nothing happened, and only one thing is happening till now that, we are not getting anything either offer of joining.


Any update?