The "Annual Outing" ritual

The master ceremony

Team eLitmus works 49 or 50 weekends a year. The exceptions are for annual outing and festivals which fall on Sunday.

eLitmus annual outing is sacred and has multiple dimensions to it. Though it sounds fun - but that is a very small piece of the puzzle. Others being

  • Platform to imbibe eLitmus core values, especially for team members who came on board in the previous years
  • A real life business problem which stake holders need to solve - budget constraints, planning, execution, demonstrating leadership and yup deploying technology

The salient features of our outing are

  • The entire organization is divided into team and they compete for honours across a wide spectrum of activities through the year
  • One gets to meet colleagues from other offices
  • Review the year gone by (beginning 2017, we are completing it at office itself) and plan for next year. Think hatke being the overarching theme

Last but not the least - tell the world about our DNA. We cannot take examples from our work due to competitive and NDA reasons. But this is where you can see how we solve problems in real life !!

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