Geeks who give eLitmus the X-Factor and scale.
What we do?
eLitmus help companies assess and recruit talent. Sounds mundane tech? Well hold your horses - and let your imagination run wild. We may still surprise you when we get into the gory details.
Heres a sneak preview
Faces - An image recognition product with multiple uses. If you ever took pH Test, you carried an admit card to the test center. Few days later the photograph you pasted on the admit card is upload into your account. The entire process of identifying the face on admit card, cropping it and uploading into your account is automated. If you know a friend who changed his date of birth, name spelling, phone number etc and yet got caught for making duplicate profiles - you now have an answer.
Dallas - a comprehensive test content authoring platform with complex work flows built in for reviews and publishing. Also includes a sophisticated analytics engine to ensure design of high efficacy test
- - this is our public face. It supports functionality of job site, application tracking system, test slot reservation etc
Codelitmus - a B2B hackathon platform
And similar there are 13 more products with a cumulative of 461 releases in Calendar year 2016 alone !!
Technologies we work on
Here is a sample (we may have added a new one by the time I completed writing this role) - Ruby on Rails, go-lang, CoffeeScript, Docker, Chef, AWS, Jekyll, ember.js, OpenCV and so on . We strongly believe in not reinventing the wheel so extensively use open source and equally contribute to same.
Bragging rights
In year 2014, when India’s largest payment gateway ( finds that its internal technology team is unable to resolve a critical cryptography related issue, they seek our help. Incidentally, we are neither in the payment gateway business, not in the web security/cryptography business. We are just one among the millions of customers of CCAvenue. But we were happy to help as our technology team loves challenges. Needless to say we open sourced it for world to use
Our blog appeared in Ruby weekly in March 2017
Keep checking the thread below and blogs for further exploits
What gets you into the team
Firmly believe "If a problem can be solved - I will"
Our team has helped India’s largest payment gateway, CC Avenue when they hit a dead end with their Ruby Integration kit (you can see the credit there), used complex image processing techniques for multiple end use including facial recognition to prevent impersonation, built coding simulators where a test taker can take up a live coding test, used analytics to identify questions which have been compromised etc -
You are an author and not just a translator
Most techies are happy translating business requirements into code including integrating features from multiple applications. We call this being a translator. We want authors - who tells business teams the cool features they can build to win and marketplace. -
Do not take pride in knowing a language but equally can learn one when needed
No language are difficult. Most of the Germans can speak in German. You may not know German because you were not born there. But when need be you have confidence and initiative to learn a new tech / platform etc overnight. We call this “dirtying your hand” (being hands on essentially rather than being a manager who is 30,000 ft above the ground) -
Have patience to see your effort bear fruit
Did you ever hear of a Mango tree give fruit in a year ? You became a great techie when you make sure your product wins against competition (this would mean killer feature , scalability etc). And this process could be a 4-5 year story. Needless to say at eLitmus we reward employees with a very aggressive stock rewards -
You dot your i and cross your t - the perfectionist zeal
Net net you believe if anything bears your name - it rather live up to it -
We create a role whenever we run into a right techie. You need to be 2-8 years experienced professional - no more.
Apart from looking at an amazing long-term career, some of our team members who decided to pursue higher studies after working with us made it to some of the best institutes in the world, and we are proud to see them going places. You may like to know the stories of 3 such eLitmusians:
Venkat Inumella: People still discuss whether he was a technology guru or a finance wizard, and then conclude that he was both. Studied at Chicago Booth, now at McKinsey ( )
Prajwal Manjunath: A passionate gamer and brilliant front-end developer, Pursued his MS in Entertainment Tech from Carnegie Mellon University, and now with 2K Sports (
Vikram Raghupathy: An entrepreneur in the making, worked at Samsung R&D before a short stint at eLitmus. Now working in Amazon after completing his MBA from IIM Ahmedabad (