Microphone issue faced during the start of ph test

I faced the issue in the microphone check during the ph test . No body from the team responded to my problem.
I applied for the test on 3rd march 10 am slot, since I was not able to attend the test due to the microphone issue I don’t know how to proceed further. I’ve tried to reach to the team by calling on helpline number but there is no respond on the helpline number. Also I have sent a few mails to the team but got no response from them.
Please resolve my issue and let me allow to retake the test on next slot.
Kindly email me with a resolution on kelaprakhar@gmail.com

Same Microphone check issue during the demo Test and Final Test i.e 7th of July,and first tried to contact the Support Team but as it was Sunday there was no response and so send a query on helpline that is provided there and afterwards sent mail also but no response on it.So now I am requesting please resolve my problem and allow me for a retest .
Kindly email me with your response on baradasandipkumar@gmail.com.