Discussion for 4th feb accenture drive

We can discuss here before and after the interview

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got any admit card???

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the accenture drive is going to be held on 4th feb,2017 in delhi. I just applied for this drive. Can anyone tell me the whole procedure that is going to happen next?

Guys plz read about Accenture …They will definitely ask …And project too.and about hadoop ,cloud computing…And some Hr questions.


ok. thanku abhishek. i want to know wat i shud do as i am from electrical engg. background.
are the questions based on compuer science engg going to be too tough to be answered?

no, not yet. i have applied today.

Yeah got it

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no. and nowhere it is mentioned that they r gonna release admit card on a particular date. So, just wait for a while as i m also waiting :smiley:

thru an email or on elitmus portal ?

need not to worry they asked question from your resume only…so please prepare it . and be focused on your project please goes through all the relevant ques. and about accenture…why should i hire u…what would u ans to a 7 year old child and a grandparents while going to accenture for job…smart work or hard work…achievments …

i hope it will help u.



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And a mail aslo came


when did u appply for the accenture event on 4th feb in delhi?

Last week most probably

thanx bro.

background not matters@chirag_3030669

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ok. i m expecting the same.

ok. got it (y)

And go through your electrical basics also …As i am from EC bckgnd they ask about difference b/w microprocessor and micro controller.@chirag_3030669

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