Is there anyone attended DataMetica 18 jan drive…
and know any thing about the results of the drive.
plz let me know…
Haven’t you received the call yet
Hey,hv u got joining or offer letter??
Joining was from 13 th Feb but now it’s delayed and they aren’t telling the exact dates it’s on hold due to some reason you received call or not ??
No i haven’t received any response from the company yet…
did you also attend that drive ?
I appeared on 16th Jan drive. Since then my status is ‘Confirmed’. Anyone has an Idea about the status not updating as I have seen that after attending the interview process status changes either to ‘Attended’ or ‘Not Shortlisted’.
I havnt received call from hr…i called there they told me that result is on hold,so waiting fr d sm…
Guys, plz share the interview process experience.thnks in advance
my status is also same nothing updated…Confirm only::
@asha_3175263 have you contacted them(either Datamatica or elitmus)for the same i.e relative to status ?
No,i droped a mail but they didn’t reply…
@patil_3116571 @kumar_2999404 what was all of your streams? im from NON CS IT, was anyone from you also Non CS IT?