I have applied for Cleartrip through eLitmus and the event is on 7th of this month.The status of the application is still in applied. How can I come to know whether I am selected for the event or not ? Please help.
don"t worry there will be another drive in coming weeks you may get shortlisted for those drives.For 7th oct drive shortlisted students had already got the mail.
I have got an interview call from Exadatum. Interview is on 7th in pune and I am in bangalire right now and am eagely waiting for cleartrips event of 7th. Should i consider exadatum or wait for cleartrip?
There are continuous event of cleartrip in Bangalore and Delhi till December. Bangalore event was on 16 September. And I guess on 7 October,the event is for Delhi. I’ve applied with Delhi location and got a call for take from home coding round which held on October 1.So if you didn’t get a call then Dont wait for cleartrip now. May be they will be calling you later.Hope it helps.
Thanks suvam