Hey there,
My name is Akshat Mehra with E-litmus Candidate ID: 5121787. I want to inform you that the personal details section reflects date of Birth as 18-Dec-1972 (My Correct DOB I had entered was 18-Dec-2001) after taking my pH test it has some error in my personal details.
This Seriously damages my credibility as it may come across in applications that I’m deceiving of my Age or Passout year, I Urge you to consider this a serious request and resolve as soon as possible.
My Date of Birth is printed as 18-Dec-1972 which is wrong and my correct Date of Birth is 18-Dec-2001.
I request you to kindly take necessary action to reflect the Correct Data that my correct details can be updated.
Please change my DOB to ( 18-Dec-2001 )
Thank You
Akshat Mehra