Chances with this score

Vb -97 -91.85%
Ps 22.5-70%

Reasoning score is low so some companies you are likely to miss

companies which consider overall score |will they shortlist ne

Very high chances dude

are you sure ?

Yeah you will get calls from 70% companies.i had negative in PS still I got calls from 2 companies out of 5

Aman What topics sud I prepare in ps??
And how many days will they take to announce the result once I write the xam?

it will take 1 week to 4 weeks to announce the results. depends on your luck.
just study DI if you are confident there will be a logical puzzle and one cryptarithmetic.
if you solve any 1 of three correctly you will get more than 75+ percentile.

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Aman, Abishek R Gowda is my fb name,plz txt me.I hav few doubts to clarify

Bro can I get interviews calls my score is
Quant. 80.84
Problem solving 38.38
Verbal 81.03 and also which companies will I select if you’re rembered plz reply because Companies are repeating