Bidgley technical test

please if anyone knows what is being asked in the Bidgley technical test then please share… It will be very helpful…

Did you get an interview call?? If yes then whats your score and percentiles and who sent you the mail?..elitmus or bidgely?

Subhrata whats your score. And do comment here if you get to know anything related to the details of rounds and interviews?

yes i got a call… my total score is 256… and i have no idea about rounds and interview :disappointed_relieved:

Is 250 minimum score to get a call from bidgley & does it call candidates with very high ps scores?
I’m a mech guy so I can apply to only very few jobs like data analyst etc.

I asked because I checked their site and they are having a very small team, with almost all the employees being IIT alumnus. I wonder if it is worth spending 10k on tickets just for this interview.