Accenture Hyd

Is there a chance of Accenture drive in Hyderabad through e-litmus nearby ?

no. you can travel to Bangalore.

No Hyd… only Hope Locations are most likely interview going to be Bangalore/ Pune and Delhi.

@shaik_3306065 Sure can you never travel to Pune and Delhi.

my PH score isn’t out yet…and moreover before i wrote elitmus I accidentally pressed Apply button of accenture and obviously it showed “not shortlisted”…How can i re-apply for it If PH score will come out within 3-4 days

that particular company will not entertain you once your status is not sortlisted

18th Feb drive is only for Bangalore location ?

Can i apply for other locations like Pune…mine is showing not shortlisted for Bangalore location

try it by changing the location but never do repeat this…“APPLYING TO A COMPANY WITHOUT SCORE”

you Should not have appiled to Accenture within the last 6 months

How can i get rid of this problem…try calling elitmus customer care ?

Call them

How many days it took to get the PH score for you people ?

15days for new delhi

What if we applied for a company through elitmus and shortlisted but not willing to attend ? And what if we got placed in a company ?? could we apply for other companies ?