why the accenture 27th october 2018 drive IN PUNE postponed…and how soon it will be organised again???
anybody attending accenture drive on 3d nov. in R.V.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING?
yes me
Any one attending Accenture placements at Pune on 3 nov 2018 ?
some are saying those who have 120+ pH score,they dont have to appear for the aptitude round.Is it true??
I have not applied to this drive since I am not a fresher.
They do check the details at the venue so you will need the originals.
Why don’t you have them?
Please keep originals for all drives whether they mention it or not.
but where is the venue?
They will call and infrom you if you are eligible
Yes I am
@wali_3319673 Yes I got admit card from both elitmus and Accenture.
Can you please tell the venue for pune as I have got 2 different venues from both elitmus admit card and Accenture admit card
@wali_3319673 can you tell me venue you have got from elitmus admit card ?
Uncovering this mystery and clearing the confusion -
The test was conducted by MeritTrac.
The questions are like any aptitude tests like AMCAT, CoCubes, etc which you can prepare from websites like m4Maths, CampusGate, IndiaBix, etc.
Sir, can u tell us no. of questions in one section and time allotted.
Total 60 questions , 20 verbal , 20 reasoning , 20 quant
was it easy??and how much time was there??any sectional timing??
Moderate level , 60 mins and no sectional timing
Sir I got Accenture admitcard through elitmus but I didn’t get admitcard through Accenture so can I eligible for this drive?? If suppose I am selected in 1st round they will send the result or not?
For which location?
can you please tell us that how’s your interview?