What is the eLitmus pH test?

eLitmus platforms are used by 650+ companies (from MNCs to Unicorns) to hire & assess talent.

  • All candidates applying for most jobs through eLitmus should have a pH Test score to be considered by companies
  • pH Test stands for ‘Hiring Potential’ test - the flagship aptitude test by eLitmus
  • To register for the test, visit : elitmus.com/tests

pH Test is used to assess fresh graduates / experienced professionals and its results are valid across a multitude of industries - Analytics, IT, Manufacturing, Consulting, Automobile, Infrastructure, etc.

  • This test is one of the most researched analytical reasoning and algorithmic thinking test in the world and has helped companies reduce wrong hires by 90+%.

The test measures one’s natural ability rather than their ability to learn by rote.

  • The test has a minimal knowledge component with “all formulae provided in the question paper”.
  • In the era of Google & ChatGPT, there is no premium in remembering a formula or some information. The key is to apply it.

To best understand the pH Test philosophy, visit : An intro to eLitmus pH Test

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Upcoming Tests: elitmus.com/tests