what are my chances of getting call from urbanpro.com
My scores are…
1.verbal : 78
2.problem solving : 26
3. qunt : -22
will I get call from urbanpro.com
or at least can I get call from another company
what are my chances of getting call from urbanpro.com
My scores are…
1.verbal : 78
2.problem solving : 26
3. qunt : -22
will I get call from urbanpro.com
or at least can I get call from another company
was that ur percentile or score???if percentile then u will not get any call.
my score is
verbal 26.30, 30%ile
problem solving 90, 99%ile
quant 60, 95%ile
will i get call from urbanpro or harman??
ya yu will get calls…
those are my score only…but u see clearly in qunt is -22 . so will I get call
i hv got 84.96,80.59,81.01 percentiles in verbal,quant &reasoning respectively. will i get a call from urbanpro.com??
ur score ?
hlo nishith, these r my score
can I get call from urbalpro or at leas any other company?
ya u will get calls …
sorry,kondandaiah u will not get calls,as u have negative score…