Anyone got call from Remaxys for QA Engineer Drive of 5th march??
I am new to elitmus can u tell me how to get good score in the test
no , not yet… tomorrow is the last date to apply ,why the ■■■■ they are not calling for drive ? its too late now…
webyog called me… so i think remaxys will also call me… any one here has interview exp of remaxys ??
I got on 28 feb.
i haven’t received any call from Remaxys also…which call did you receive from Webyog @sheetal_3023471
i got for QA ENGINEER post from webyog , that was on 5 th Feb
really i did not get a call … what is your %le individually in each section ??
verbal 99%
quant 86%
reasoning 70%
my score is 148 i got 91 percentile in verbal 49 in reasonin and 87 in quant
My score is 188
98 in reasoning
90 in verbal
86 in quant
still haven’t received any admit card for test.
anybody attended interview today
I gave interview in Remaxys on 5th March