Anyone shortlisted for exadatum pune 16th july drive ?
Yes I just got the mail…
me too
When did you apply for it ? Was it before 30th of june? Also what was your score ?
Did you apply before 30th of june? Also what was your score ?
Yes…Overall score 160
What was your score
My score is 190, I applied before 30th june and havent been shortlisted yet. Actually i am from eee branch,just hoping of getting shortlisted. What is your branch?
Im from CSE…you will get shortlisted…all the best:+1:
Yes ! I Also Got The Mail For 16th July Drive.
Is there any idea which kind of programming test will be there??
@tushar_2900876 As per the mail I received they told that as per your ease.
I have QA-61.39 problem solving 86.62 and verbal 93.56. I still haven’t got any call.
As per one student from previous drive said “Question are based on data structures purely ,no algo not
really but questions on linked list ,stacks ,matrix and there are aslo 3-4 puzzle questions asked.
they gave the question paper to solve and then the shortlisted were called for interview”
Anyone Got The Call after the interview for 16th July Drive ?
Did they take interview of anyone or just like us they said that you will be notified through elitmus.plz let us knoe if anyone had further round on that day.
Did anyone got selected in exadatim on 16th july??
Did anyone had hr round on that day.
Can Anyone tell some questions of the round???