Does anyone got a call for interview from cleartrip?
Can anyone tell me what the three coding questions were?
I remember two but forgot one.
I got the call.What are the questions asked ?
When did you get the call?
Today Morning
No i didnt give the test yet.
Did you gave the coding round?
Can any one tell me how many rounds of interview will be there? I cleared the first one and got call for the f2f on 24th.
it is showing called for interview for the 24th feb 2018 test but i have no such link on the interview’s tab option to accept it or such.Any idea what to do?I had applied earlier,but was unable to attend for some emergency issues…
Can anyone tell what programming languages were allowed in online round?
can u plz tell me how much ph score i required to get call from cleartrip?
can u plzz tell me how much ph score is required to get call from cleartrip??