Accenture drive on 4th feb ,delhi software engineer associate?

69 %tile in verbal, 81.5%tile in quants and 91.5 %tile in reasoning.

My total score is 141 so please let me know is it good enough.

Any chance for me, no call yet with following score :

Verbal Score 90 percentile 88.79
Problem Solving score 33.80 percentile 81.59
Quantitative score 45 percentile 90.05


Got the call


what is your score and college?

what is your score and college?

182 and college is in the list

can anyone tell me the event location for the 4th feb drive?

It will be communicated to us by 2nd feb…

Can anyone tell me about the game test??

did any one get the game test link?

Not yet

Not Yet

Any idea what could be the questions for the non CS/IT branches?

even i m from non IT background… ?